class A: # python3默认继承object类 pass print(A.__bases__) # 查询继承类是什么,结果是 (<class 'object'>,)
class B(object): # 继承object类,python2里必须写,python3默认继承 pass class C(B): # 继承B类, pass print(B.__bases__) # 查询继承类是什么 .结果是 (<class 'object'>,) print(C.__bases__) # 结果是 (<class '__main__.B'>,)
class D: # 什么也没继承 pass print(D.__bases__) # 在python2解释器中,结果什么也没有
class Student: country = "China" def __init__(self, ID, NAME, SEX, PROVINCE): self.id = ID self.name = NAME self.sex = SEX self.province = PROVINCE def search_score(self): print("tell score") def study(self): print("study") def walk(self): print("%s is walking." % (self.name)) # 类属性:特征(变量)和技能(函数、绑定方法),python的属性与其他语言不同 # 类的用法:实例化,属性引用 s1 = Student("124345463243223", "cobila", "female", "sahngxi") print(Student.country) print(Student.search_score) print(Student.search_score(s1)) # 对象也称为实例 # 对象的属性:对象本身就是特征(变量) # 对象的用法:属性引用 s2 = Student("2222222222", "cobila22", "female2", "sahngxi2") print(s2.country) s2.search_score() s2.study() print(Student.__dict__) # 查看类的名称空间,存到一个字典里的,结果如下: # {'__module__': '__main__', 'country': 'China', '__init__': <function Student.__init__ at 0x0000020BB2D398C8>, # 'search_score': <function Student.search_score at 0x0000020BB2D39950>, 'study': <function Student.study at 0x0000020BB2D399D8>, # '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Student' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Student' objects>, '__doc__': None} print(s1.__dict__) # 查看对象的名称空间,存到一个字典里的,结果如下: # {'id': '124345463243223', 'name': 'cobila', 'sex': 'female', 'province': 'sahngxi'} # 对象寻找名字步骤: 1.先从对象自己的__dict__里找,2. 再从类的__dict__那里找 # 对于变量,对象和类调用变量都是引用的同一个内存地址 print(id(s1.country)) # 值为 1726078219744 print(id(s2.country)) # 值为 1726078219744 print(id(Student.country)) # 值为 1726078219744 # 对于绑定方法/函数,对象和类调用时内存地址不一样 print(s1.study,id(s1.study)) # 值为 <bound method Student.study of <__main__.Student object at 0x000001F47F7AF128>> 2149612792904 print(Student.study, id(Student.study)) # 值为 <function Student.study at 0x000001F47F7999D8> 2149622323672 # 绑定方法的核心在于“绑定”,唯一绑定一个确定的对象 s1.walk() # 结果:cobila is walking. s2.walk() # 结果:cobila22 is walking.
# 应用场景 # 找不到共同特征和技能不用强求 # 对象:学校-----》归类 # 共有的特征:商标为etiantian # 共有的特征:招生 # 独有的特征:地址不一样,老师们,课程 class School: tag = "etiantian" def __init__(self, address): self.address = address self.teacher_list = [] self.course_list = [] def zhaosheng(self): pass # 对象:老师-----》归类 # 共同的特征:教课 # 独有的特征:名字,性别,level,课程 class Teacher: def __init__(self, name, sex, level): self.name = name self.sex = sex self.level = level self.course_list = [] def teach(self): pass # 对象:学生-----》归类 # 共同的特征: # 共同的技能:search_score, handin # 独有的特征:学号,名字,性别,课程 class Student: def __init__(self, ID, name, sex): self.id = ID self.name = name self.sex = sex self.course_list = [] def search_score(self): pass def handin(self): pass class Course: def __init__(self, name, price, period): self.name = name self.price = price self.period = period s1 = Student("111111", "alex", "male") print(s1.id, s1.name, s1.sex) # s1.course_list.append("python") # s1.course_list.append("linux") # print(s1.course_list) python_obj = Course("python", "1688元", "5个月") linux_obj = Course("linux", "9800元", "6个月") s1.course_list.append(python_obj) s1.course_list.append(list) print(''' name: %s course: %s price: %s ''' % (s1.name, s1.course_list[0].name, s1.course_list[0].price))
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